Events April 11th and 12th

One may go hiking or visit the Van Kirk Homestead in Sparta this weekend. The Delaware National Recreation Area is looking for your input.
Sparta Historical Society Van Kirk Homestead

336 Main Street Sparta, NJ (Route 517, Use the middle school driveway).

Phone: 973-726-0883 Email:

Welcome to Spring and the Van Kirk Homestead. After a long difficult winter we will be hosting our first open house on Sunday, April 12th from 1:00-4:00. This event is free and the public is welcomed.

Walpack Spring Hike
Sunday April 12 2015 11:00 pm Phone: 973-948-4903
Join the Walpack Historical Society as it enjoys a 2 ½ mile hike, with historical commentary, to the John P. House farm, which straddles Mountain Road, Walpack Township. The complex consists of a mid 19th century house, a late 19th century barn, now collapsed, and a shed and wagon house from the early 20th century.
Where: Car pool from the Rosenkrans Museum, Main Street, Walpack Center, within the Delaware Water Gap NRA, Sussex County, NJ
This event is free and the public is welcomed.
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Please! We ask that anyone who has an interest in the history within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area [ DEWA ], to reflect via their own comments that they desire a greater focus on the valley’s heritage – both for visitors, and for past families’ descendants for whom their own heritage remains important

We need people to state that they want the NPS to give greater attention to the heritage of this river valley – long vacated for the since de-authorized Tocks Island Dam project.

The Park Service needs to hear that individuals want to retain the significant structures and sites and see them better preserved for the current and future generations to be able to visit and tour.

NPS/DEWA has posted that comments are now being taken and initial meetings have been scheduled:

This entry was posted on April 9, 2015. Bookmark the permalink.